Engineering & Retrofittting Services

Thank you for having visited us at Hyvolution 2024 in Chile!
Sep 6, 2024
1 min read
We at RTZ are glad to have set up our stall at Hyvolution for the second year in a row. Hyvolution is the an exhibition and congress of the hydrogen world in Chile.

Chile has a great potential for renewable energy generation and green energy investment. Hydrogen as one of several great energy vectors for Chile, has a role to play serving both domestic needs and potential export markets. But there is not one solution that fits all, and that is why we, at RTZ, embrace both hydrogen and battery-electric solutions. We are glad to be right in the middle of this exciting development.
To be able to benefit from this new technological and economical development is a challenge faced by many companies. We at RTZ are glad to be of help, offering our expertise in battery electric and hydrogen technology for retrofitting your heavy-duty vehicles and machines.
If your missed us at Hyvolution, feel free to contact us directly or seek us out at the next major exhibition, to discuss options for the electrification and decarbonisation of your business.
Reduce Emissions | Reduce Cost | Gain Power